Prospective Parent Tours 2025-2026 Friday 14th June 9.30 -10.30am Thursday 27th June 9.30-10.30am Please call School Office to book- 01483 422087


Our Milford Curriculum

Milford School provides opportunities for all children to develop as independent, confident, creative and successful learners with high aspirations who make a positive contribution to their community and wider society. Our curriculum is carefully sequenced to ensure that each and every child achieves their full potential.

Milford's curriculum encompasses a wealth of relevant knowledge and meaningful learning experiences for all children. There is a high focus on developing children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, as well as ensuring our children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Our curriculum is inclusive, broad, balanced, rich and continually developing to help our children ‘grow, learn, believe and achieve.’

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (Reception) is the first part of the National Curriculum focusing on children from 0-5. Our aim is to provide a caring, happy, purposeful and challenging environment in which children can feel secure and confident. We place strong emphasis on learning through a combination of adult led structured activities and child initiated play activities.

Key Stage 1 includes Year 1 and Year 2 children (aged 5-7). Learning in KS1 builds upon the children’s experiences in EYFS curriculum. The curriculum continues to be practical, active and challenging, enriched with external visits, specialist subject visitors to school and engaging outdoor learning in our learning zones around the school.

Teachers plan and organise the learning for each year group to ensure that there is coverage, continuity and progression. Children's progress is regularly assessed and work is planned to meet the specific needs of individuals.

English, Mathematics and Science are the core national curriculum subjects. History, Geography, Art and Design, Computing, Music, PE, and Design Technology are known as the foundation subjects. Further subjects covered are RE and PSHE (personal, social and health education).

For further information about any of the subjects taught at Milford please visit our curriculum information pages.